A stray bullet winged the boy's right arm. 一颗流弹打伤了男孩的右臂。
Her right arm throbbed from the infected cut. 她的右臂因伤口感染而阵阵抽痛。
In battle, Entreri's favorite wielding technique with this dagger is to wield it as a main-gauche in his left hand with a sword or sabre in his right. 在战斗中,恩崔立喜欢左手持匕首,右手持剑或军刀。
The various weapon upgrades and skills are bias to one or the other and it is best to pick either the sword or the staff as your weapon of choice. 多种多样的武器升级和技能都只是基础,不过最好还是一手持剑,一手持其他作为武器的东西吧。